공부8 [영어 공부] - 직장 / 출퇴근 영어 Script 공부 to get to work / to get to home. = commute how do you get to work?how long does it take you to get home from work? How do you usually get to work? In the city, I rely on the subway, so I usually aim for the 7.45am Train, but sometimes if I'm a tad late, I miss it, and I have to wait for the next one. The journey's roughtly 15 minutes, and I try and use this time to read. Sometimes I do someti.. 2024. 8. 23. [영어 공부] 모닝 루틴/Morning Routine 공부 - High Level Listening Advanced English Podcast I work up around 6 A.M. Thanks to my trusty alarm,hit snooze, of course and laid in bed for a bit, scrolling through my phone. Eventually, I got up, brushed my teeth, and headed straight to the kitchen. I guess I whipped up some toast and scrambled eggs and poured myself a fresh cup of coffee. Can't do without it. After breakfast, I took a quick shower and then got dressed for the day. Before he.. 2024. 8. 15. [공부] 빨모쌤 라이브 아케데미 토들러 - 자주 쓰는 영어 회화 패턴 - I know that - I don't know if I know that he' married, but I don't know if he has any children. >> 그가 결혼했다는 건 알고 있는데, 아이가 있는지는 몰랐어. 문장 연습 I know that he has a daughter, (+ because I see her visiting him almost every weekend) but I don't know if he's still married. (+because he never talks about his wife) ○ I know that he has a daughter, since I sometimes play with her but I'm not sure if he's still married because I've ba.. 2024. 8. 15. Bit vs Byte 비교 ' 비트 프리픽스 값 값 킬로 비트 1024 비트 2^(10) 비트 메가 비트, Mbit 1024 킬로 비트 2^(20) 비트 기가 비트, Gbit 1024 메가 비트 2^(30) 비트 테라 비트, Tbit 1024 기가 비트 2^(40) 비트 1byte = 8-bits 2024. 2. 24. 이전 1 2 다음