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[영어 공부] Shopping for clothes - Script 공부

by 뇸뇸방구 2024. 8. 23.



Have you been shopping lately? 


So I went to do a little window shopping the other day. 

I know I'm supposed to be on a budget, but I just like to have a look sometimes. 

Anyway, I was just looking around, looking at the cute window displays, and not really finding anything I liked anyway,

until, of course I went to one of my favorite shops, this little boutique in a quieter section of the mall. 

So I'm browsing, I already told the salesperson that I was browsing, and guess what she did?

She pointed me right in the direction of their annual 50 percent off sale. 

Well, I cound't not go have a look. I ended up grabbing two or three things and trying them on in the fitting rooms.

Thankfully, two of them didn't really fit right. 

One was too big and the other wasn't really my color, but one fit just right and was honestly the perfect summer dress. 

So I decided to splurge a little. 

I went over tthe cashier, put it on the credit card, and I went home before I could spend any more money. 



Have you been shopping lately? 


The other day, I was walking down the high street and saw these big signs in the windows saying clearance sale 80 percent off. 

 I don't normally buy clothes that often, but That sounded like a proper bargain, so I poked my head in just for a look around. 

I started going through some of the racks and I ended up finding some shirts that I quite liked. 

Not too flashy, stuff I could wear at home or out and about. 

I picked out a few and went to the fitting rooms to see how they would look on me. 

The first one was way too tight. I couldn't even lift my arms. 

The second one was a bit baggy, but the third one was really comfortable and a nice fit too. 

I actually had an old loyalty card in my wallet, which came in handy when I paid. 

It was a little impromptu visit that went really well and didn't cost me an arm and a leg. 




Have you been shopping lately? 


The other day, I went to the shopping mall to do a little window shopping. 

I know, I know, I'm supposed to be on a budget, but I saw these big signs in the window saying 'clearance salce 80 percent off'. 

That sounded like a proper bargain, so I poked my head in just to look around. 

I started going through some of the racks and ended up finding a jacket that I really liked. 

I picked it up and went to the fitting rooms to see how it would look on me. 

It was really cute and a nice fit too. 

So I decided to splurge a little. I went to the casier, put it on my credit card and I went home before I could spend any more money. It was a little improptu visit that went  really, well and I was very satisfied. 



Have you been shopping lately? 


Yesterday, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few essentials. 

I had a list, but as usual, I got distracted by the fresh bakery section.

The smell of freshly baked bread was too hard to resist, so I ended up buying a loaf even though it wans't on my list. 

as I walked through the aisles, I also picked up some fresh fruits, vegetables, and a few snacks.

By the time I reach the checkout, my cart was fuller than I had planned. It happens every time I go grocery shopping. 



Have you been shopping lately? 


Last night, I spent a few hours browsing online stores. I was just looking for a new pair of shoes, but I ended up finding a really nice jacket on sale. After reading a few reviews and checking the size chart, I decided to add it to my cart. 

I also found a couple of accessories that matched, so I added thoese too. 

Before I knew it, I had spent way more than I intended. At least I got free shipping, so that made me feel a little better about my impulse buys. 


Have you been shopping lately? 


I needed to find a birthday gift for my friend, so I went to the mall over the weekend. I wasn't sure what to get, so I wandered around for a while, looking for inspiration. I eventually ended up in a store that sold candles and home decor.

They had a beautiful selection of scented candles, so I picked out a couple that I thought my friend would like. 

I also found a cute card and a gift bag to match.

I felt relieved to find something nice without too much stress. 



Have you been shopping lately? 


I went clothes shopping the other day because I needed a new outfit for an upcoming evnet.

I visited a few stores but couldn't find anything that caught my eye.

Just when I was about to give up, I walked into a boutique and saw a dress that was perfect.

I tried it on, and it fit like a glove. I was so happy with it that I bought it right away.

I also picked up a pair of shoes and some accessories to go with it.

I can't wait to wear it to the event.

Have you been shopping lately? 


Last Saturday, I went to a local flea market. I love browsing through all the unique items you can find there. 

I spent hours walking around, looking at old records, vintage clothes, and handmade crafts. I found a beautiful vintage lamp that would look perfect in my living room, so I bought it. I also picked up a few quirky items for my kitchen. 

Shopping at the flea market is always an adventure you never know what you're going to find. 

