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[영어 공부] Evening Routine

by 뇸뇸방구 2024. 8. 25.




What do you normally do in the evenings? 


My time in the evening is all about taking it easy. 

I usually spend a fair few hours watching telly to catch up on my favorite series or seeing what's going on in the world. 

Although, truth be told, a lot of the time I'm just sitting there mindlessly scrolling on my phone or looking at memes.

But if the day has been particularly hectic, a quiet evening in is just what I need. 

When I eventually get into bed, I may even read a few pages of a book before nodding off to sleep. 



What do you normally do in the evenings? 


I'll be honest, after a long day at work, after getting dinner ready, I just want to plop down on the couch and unwind a bit. 

If it's been a particularly long day, I'll probably just binge watch a couple of episodes of a show I'm watching.

But I sometimes find myself double screening, scrolling on my phone while my show is playing. 

When I start to get a little tired, I'll get started on my evening routine. 

You know, the usual taking a shower, washing my face, brushing my teeth, etc. 

Even if someone invites me out, going out on weeknights isn't really my thing, so I usually wrap up the night with a book before trying to get to bed early. 


What do you normally do in the evenings? 


In the evening, I like to take it easy. 

After having dinner, I start my evening routine : 

You know, the usual taking a shower, washing my face and brushing my teeth.

Then, I get into bed and watch a couple of episodes of a show I'm currently watching.

Sometimes, I find myself double screening on my phone while my show is playing.

After that, I listen to a podcast about finance until fell a sleep. That's my evening routine.


What do you normally do in the evenings?


In the evenings, I like to unwind and relax after a long day.

I usually start by preparing a nice dinner or ordering takeout, depending on how I'm feeling.

After dinner, I make my way through my evening routine : taking a warm shower, washing my face, and brushing my teeth. Once I'm feeling refreshed, I settle into bed with a cozy blanket and watch a few episodes of a show I'm currently binge-watching.

I often find myself multitasking, scrolling through social media on my phone while the show plays in the background.

To wind down further, I listen to a finance podcast or some soothing music until I eventually drift off to sleep.

This routine help me relax and prepare for a restful night's sleep. 


What do you normally do in the evenings?


In the evening, I enjoy having some quiet time to myself. 

Afther a long day at work, I like to start by cooking a simple dinner. 

I find that preparing a meal is great way to unwind and transition from the busyness of the day to a more relaxed state.

After dinner, I tidy up the kitchen and then take a warm bath to help me relax even more.

I usually light a few candles and listen to some calming music while soaking in the tub.

Afterward, I spend some time reading a book or writing in my journal, reflecting on the day.

Before going to bed, I like to do some light stretching or meditation to clear my mind and prepare for a good night's sleep.


What do you normally do in the evenings?


My evenings are all about family time and relaxation. 

After we finish dinner, my family and I usually play a board game or watch a movie together in the living room.

It's a fun way to bond and share some laughs afer a busy day.

Afterward, I take a shower, do my skincare routine, and the settle in with a good book or listen to an audio book.

Itry to avoid screens before bed, so I often spend the last 30 minutes of my evening writing in my gratitude journal or doing a bit of mindfullness meditation.

This helps me end the day on a positive note and get ready for a restful night's sleep. 
