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[영어 공부] Healthy Eating & Diets (by High Level Listening Advanced English Podcast)

by 뇸뇸방구 2024. 8. 31.

How are things going with your healthy eating habits? 


In the U.S. there's a big trend towards healthier eating in general.

→ Trend means that a lot of people are doing the same thing at the same time.

→ In general means that most people, some people, almost everyone wants to eat a little bit healtheir

Even though some people are still yo yo dieting, going low carb, low fat, or low calorie, I think more and more people are realizing that a lifestyle change is more important than just the number on the scale. 

→ I'm going on a diet. 

→ Your lifesytle is the way you live your life. You get up early, you didn't get enough sleep, you didn't eat a healthy breakfast, you went to work, you're very stressed all the time. This is what you do in your life. 

And when you make a lifestyle change, maybe you want to sleep more or eat better or you want to stop going out so much and speding so much money. This is a lifestyle change. It's not just today. It's not just tomorrow. It's a new part of your life. 


Personally, I've been trying to stock the fridge with whole foods like fresh produce, frest meats. less processed junk. 

→ Stock the fridge means to fill up the fridge. When you stock items at a store, you refill them. 

If there's a space or an empty area, you put more food in there. 

→ Whole foods, I guess what we mean is like single ingredients. If you go to a market and you buy fruits and vegetables and rice and grains and some meat, these are all whole foods.

It's so important to eat a variety of foods, especially colorful fruits and vegetables with lots of nutritional value I've also started meal prepping on Sundays to ensure that we have nutritious meals and snackers ready if we're short on time during the week.

→ Meal Prepping is preparing your meals in advance. So meal prepping, especially on a Sunday or before the week starts, meal prepping would be preparing some items and then maybe putting them in the fridge or putting them in the freezer so that they're easy to grab and cook really easily when you're short on time. 

Sometimes it's as simple as swapping out sugary snacks with fruit or using almond milk instead of cow's milk.

Don't worry, we're not trying to overhaul our entire life in a weekend.

→ Overhual something is to completely chage it. We're having a big overhaul at work. Everything's getting changed.

Um, my husband is also cutting down on sugar by swapping soda for water or opting for sugar free alternatives. 

→ Opting sounds like option. Opting means choosing. Opting for that means we're going to choose this. 

Overall, it's going well, but sometimes I still crave a nice greasy silce of pizza. 

→ When you crave something, you just, you can't stop thinking about it. You really just want that thing. 

How ar things going with your healthy eating habits? 


In the UK, healthy eating has become quite a big thing. There are still lots of fads out there that come and go, but I think people are realising that there are no quick fixes or shortcuts. 

→ Thing can be used instead of a trend. It can be used instead of a custom or something traditional that you do. 

→ Fads are often, it's a fad when it's very temporary. It's a trend that doesn't last a long time. Maybe it's really, really popular for a couple of months and then you never hear about it agian. They don't stick around for very long. 

→ Quick fixes is a couple of words we often say together, an easy solution or an easy answer, a quick fix.

And actually, just a few small tweaks here and there can add up in the long run and make a bigger difference. 

→ If you tweak something, you chage it, but a small one, theses are small changes. So maybe it's eating a few grams less in every meal. Maybe it's eating half a portion or two thirds of a portion instead of the full thing. or swapping one ingredient for another.

For me, for example, I've been trying to add more whole foods into my diet, including fresh produce, organic meats, and cutting out all of the processed artificial stuff. 

→ Organic is supposed to be a healthier way to grow vegetables or raise animals for meat. The idea is that the animal eats more healthily, so the meat is higher quality and therefore healthier or there are less chemicals involved in the growing of vegetables, therefore it's healthier for us again.

I try to get in a nice mix of fruit and veg, especially in smoothies, since they're packed with all sorts of nutrients and vitamins.

→ Get in It's basically eat and put it into my diet so I eat it. If you meet somepne who, works out a lot and wants to build muscle, they might be eating chicken breasts and drinking protein shakes because they want to get in their protein. 

I've also started using Sunday to prepare some meals ahead of time, which stops me going off track or ordering in food on busy days. I've also switched over to oat milk instead of cow milk in my tea, and I've cut out fizzy drinks altogether.

→ If you order a fizzy drink, I think Coke, Pepsi, Lemonade, Sprite, Fanta, all the big brands, we call them fizzy drinks. 

I know it sounds like a lot, but it's just been small changes over a long time. 

I still like to treat myself every now and again to some nice big fish and chips or something like that. 

Only now I don't feel as guilty. 


How are things going with your healthy eating habits? 


In Korea, healthy eating has become a big trend. People know that eating well is important for their body and health. 

There are a lot of articles, youtube vidoes, and books about healthy eating. 

Personally, I try to change a little thing every single day. 

for example, I switched from soda to water, and I cut out instant food. 

Plus I've been trying not to stock my pantry with sweets, chips and chocolate. 

Overall, It's going well, but sometimes I still crave a donut and icecream.  


How are your healthy eating habits going? 


In korea, healthy eating has become a big trend. People are becoming more aware of how important it is to eat well for their overall health. Because of this, there are plenty of articles, Youtube videos, and books about healthy eating. 

Peronally, I've been trying to make small changes every day. For example, I've switched from drinking soda to water, and I've cut out instant foods. I've also made an effort not to keep sweets, chips, or chocolate in my pantry. Overall it's going well, but I still find myself craving a donut or ice cream every now and then! 


How are your healthy eathing habit going? 


My healthy eating habit are going pretty well.

I've been focusing on making small, manageable changes to my diet. For example, I've started incorporating more vegetables into my meals and drkinking more water instead of sugary drinks. I've asl cut down on processed foods and try to cook more at home. 


Of course, I still have momonets when I crave sweets or junk food, but I try not to be too hard on myself. It's all about finding a balance and making sure that most of my choices are healthy ones. Overall I'm happy with the progress I'm making! 


My healthy eating habits are coming along nicely! I've been trying to stick to a balanced diet by including more whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whold grains. 

I've also been experimenting with new recipes to make healthy eating more exciting.

When I still enjoy a treat now and then, I've noticed that my craving for unhealthy foods have decreased over time. 

I'ts a work in progress, but I'm definitely feeling better and more energized! 


Things are going pretty well with my healthy eating journey.

I've made it a point to meal prep on weekends, which has helped me avoid reaching for quick, unhealthy options during the week. I've cut back on sugary snacks and started opting for healtheir alternatives, like nuts or yogurt. Sometimes it's challenging to resist temptations, especially when I'm out with friends, but I'm learning to make better choice without feeling deprived. Overall, I'm seeing positive changes, and I'm motivated to keep going! 

